Fish Sauce by Anhthao Bui

Fish Sauce by Anhthao Bui
Fish Sauce is realistic fiction, and Anhthao’s second anthology collection.

Monday, June 28, 2021

Respect and Trust


          “Respect and Trust” was the topic we discussed at our October 26, 2020 staff meeting. What is the difference between trust and respect? How do we build trust and respect in the workplace between coworkers, families and children? According to the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct, respect is “Esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person, a personal quality or ability, or something considered as a manifestation of a personal quality or ability.” Trust is the “Firm belief in the reliability, truth, or strength of someone or something.” According to the Code, trust is built on “confidentiality, cooperation, and collaboration.”

Respect is a feeling or emotion of an individual toward someone who possesses certain dominant qualities, abilities, and/or power. During the discussion, a staff member said that respect was a natural reaction to someone else. We might respect many people, but we might not trust those whom we respect. We need to take time to build trust with each other. For example, we could respect strangers, but we never trust strangers at first sight. The staff members agreed with this statement.

Respect is a moral lesson that we all learn at a very young age in our family and community, similar to the Golden Rule of respect, “Treat people the ways you want to be treated.” All cultures teach us respect, but the hierarchy of respect, the level of respect, and the ways to show respect are different from culture to culture, community to community, and family to family. For example, Asian culture shows respect to their parents by listening, following, and obeying what their parents say. By contrast, American culture lets its children have their own opinion and directly say what they are thinking.

We are taught to respect our family members, friends, teachers, the elderly and members of some professional careers, such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, and religious authorities. Respect should be taught, be learned and relearned. For example, when a child yells at a teacher or does not follow the teacher’s direction, the child shows disrespect to the teacher. The child might not know this is disrespectful. Therefore, as childcare providers and early care teachers, our mission is teaching children respect. Before teaching respect, we should be role models to demonstrate respect. We respect children by listening to them, showing sympathy and being fair. We not only teach children to respect each other, but we also teach children to respect themselves. The ways we show respect for children are similar to the ways we show respect for our coworkers. Before we respect others, we should respect ourselves: fulfilling our duties at work as well as at home and everywhere, as well as adhering to our ethical codes. One’s personal respect will spread to others while we interact and communicate with each other.

The NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct addresses trust in the workplace. When we trust someone, we know a bit about that individual. We know their strengths, abilities, and qualifications to work, to make plans, and to get along with others. Trust plays an important role in the childcare field because childcare professionals work together as a team to make decisions and share responsibilities.

We trust someone because that person gives us safety and does not harm us. We can talk and share our weaknesses, worries, concerns, strengths, and flaws without fear of harm. Trust should be built on confidentiality. Respect comes before trust. In other words, trust requires respect, confidentiality and working together. Trust is motivation to lift one’s spirits and gain confidence. For example, when a supervisor trusts the ability of a new employee, the supervisor gives them a new task and believes that the employee can fulfill the task’s requirements. The employee performs the task to the best of their ability.

To build trust, we establish respect with each other and create a comfortable and safe environment, so that those around us feel welcome to express themselves. We should be honest and be ourselves. We need to admit our strengths and weaknesses. We need to keep our promises, do not gossip, and do talk behind each other’s backs.

Respect is a requirement to show courtesy and kindness. Trust is an ingredient of success. Even without trust, people should show respect no matter what. Respect and trust are the qualifications and the keys to any successful relationship. Unfortunately, nowadays, respect and trust are in danger. Disrespectful behaviors and acts appear everywhere, including the electronic and print media. People have lost their faith in politics, religion, business, and society. We should build and protect respect and trust for us and for our children.




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