Fish Sauce by Anhthao Bui

Fish Sauce by Anhthao Bui
Fish Sauce is realistic fiction, and Anhthao’s second anthology collection.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

QUOTES by Anhthao Bui


“I am a precious maple hiding in a deep jungle.”

“The Unites States is a mirror, which reflects a Vietnamese spirit.”

“Technology serves my creativity.”

“Life is short; achieve my goals first.”

“Education makes me humble.”

“Knowledge gives me strength and confidence.”

“Writers are the loneliest creatures in their own world.”

“The artists’ hearts are hypersensitive like musical instruments.”

“Diligence supersedes slow learning.”

“Nothing is easy.”

“My success is paid off with tones of failures.”

“The battle between God and me never ends.”

“Give me a chance, I will give you the world.”

“If I want to succeed, I must lock my ego in a drawer.”

“Be on the alert for other’s mistakes that might be mine.”

“Do not let my mood interfere in my task, but let it flourish in my writing.”

“When I look in a mirror once, I might look in my conscience hundreds of times.”

“While I may look in a mirror once, I might look in my conscience hundreds of times.”

“Wearing alien writing shoes, I am traveling over the oceans and walking through the jungles to taste the spicy New World.”

“Playing piano measures my brain’s work and my anxiety.”

“I start reaching my literary goal with total enthusiasm and end it with sour tears and bitter thorns.”

“Learning piano teaches me patience.”

“A nude body is God’s incarnation.”

“Nude photos bring you back to nature.”

“Sex is a token of love.”

“A popular person may accept society’s strict judgments.”

“Throwing in a popular world, one may accept society’s strict judgments and face intense scrutiny.”

“ True understanding between individuals does not derive from their academic degrees, their social hierarchies, nor their prosperous levels, but it is the equal of their universal knowledge and their diplomatic conducts.”

“Each individual is a mysterious island and an interesting book, which I want to discover.”

“True love respects each other.”

“Watching a talent teacher is as delighted as eying Leonard de Vinci’s Mona Lisa.”

“Forgiving is easier than forgetting.”

“When I do good deed, I would like people to call me, “Ms. Bui,” who is the youngest child of my parents. However, when I do evils, I want people to criticize Anhthao, an independent individual, who lacks her father’s teaching in early childhood and who is a wild bush growing among natural prairie.”

“The more I experience discrimination, the more I wish to write.”

“Silence is the most powerful act to confuse the opponents.”

“Individual’s identity and attitude create one’s fate.”

“People show their jealousy and inferior complex by castigating one another.”

“Failure ignites my success’s flaming determination in the United States.

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