Fish Sauce by Anhthao Bui

Fish Sauce by Anhthao Bui
Fish Sauce is realistic fiction, and Anhthao’s second anthology collection.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Don't blame teachers for parents' failures

Jan. 31 Readers' letters: 
From Mercury News readers
POSTED:   01/30/2014 03:19:49 PM PST
Don't blame teachers for parents' failures
I feel sorry for Daniella Martinez, who could not read at the third-grade level ("Teacher rights getting needed court scrutiny," Page 18A, Jan. 26). However, I am disappointed that she blamed her illiteracy on her teacher. If her parents were concerned about her achievement, they would have noticed her failure in the first grade and contacted her teacher to learn about their child's failure and how to help her. The Alum Rock School District has Student Success Teams to help student achievement. The district's policy requires teachers to attend parent-teacher conferences at least three times per school year. Many parents have ignored notices about these conferences. Without the parents' help, the school cannot perform its duties.
Anhthao Bui

San Jose

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